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AKB48 Team A 6th Stage Mokugekisha Studio Recording Album: The Original Soundtrack of the Musical Dr


The discography of AKB48 consists of 61 singles (59 major singles and 2 indie singles), 9 studio albums, and 32 stage albums (12 regular stage albums and 20 as Studio Recordings Collection). The major singles have title tracks that are sung by a selection of the AKB48 singers, some of whom are from AKB48's sister groups. Some of the singles are considered annual "election singles", that is, they contain ballots for a popularity contest to determine the line-up for the next single. Other singles have line-ups that are determined by rock-paper-scissors tournaments that are held annually. The group was created and currently produced by Yasushi Akimoto, who also writes the lyrics for all of the group's songs.

AKB48 Team A 6th Stage Mokugekisha Studio Recording Album



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