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Installing Python Modules Installing into this Python installation And the ability to publish wheels for at least Windows and Mac OS X through the Python.. As a general solution to install Python packages with binary dependencies [1] on Debian/Ubuntu: sudo apt-get build-dep python-ldap # installs system dependencies (but.. 6 x, 2 7 x, 3 2 x or newer On Debian and derivatives (Ubuntu): python, python-dev (or python3-dev) On Windows: the official python installer at is enough Make sure that the Python package distutils is installed before continuing.. Both of these packages include Python, NumPy and many additional packages A lightweight alternative is to download the Python installer from and the NumPy installer for your Python version from the Sourceforge.. Windows Good solutions for Windows are,, (which both provide binary installers for Windows, OS X and Linux) and.. The NumPy installer includes binaries for different CPU’s (without SSE instructions, with SSE2 or with SSE3) and installs the correct one automatically.. If needed, this can be bypassed from the command line with Prerequisites Building NumPy requires the following software installed: • Python 2. d70b09c2d4