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The Poem Homework By Jane Yolen: A Poem That Will Make You Laugh and Think


Answer this on a loose leaf sheet of paper or in your head!\n\n \n\n \n\n \n\nWhat is the theme of \"Homework\"\n\n\n\n Homework makes me want to do anything OTHER than my homework.\n\n\n\n Homework and chores are the greatest activities.\n\n\n\n Homework makes me have a longer list of to-do items with my chores.\n\n\n ", comments: [], id: 10126470, like: null, resource_id: 5808829, quiz: null},type: "TextResource", data: "text_resource":"id":5808871,"title":null, order: "4", label: "Check", description: "The correct answer is: A ", comments: [], id: 10126524, like: null, resource_id: 5808871, quiz: null,type: "YoutubeResource", data: "youtube_resource":"id":1855523,"title":"The Sneetches","description":"","src":" =XMolzESn4oI\u0026feature=youtube_gdata","thumbnail_src":" ","file_format":"","original_src_last_modified":"2007-04-15T12:01:39.000Z","original_id":"XMolzESn4oI","height":null,"width":null,"favicon":"","file_id_on_storage":"","archived":false,"is_premium":false, order: "5", label: "Watch: The Sneetches", description: " ", comments: [], id: 10113729, like: null, resource_id: 1855523, quiz: null,type: "TextResource", data: "text_resource":"id":5808858,"title":null, order: "6", label: "Question Check #2", description: " \n\nPick the best option that represents the theme of \"The Sneetches\"\n\n\n\n People are better than others because of what they have.\n\n\n\n Don\'t allow someone you don\'t know to open a business.\n\n\n\n We are all created equally no matter our looks.\n\n\n\n ", comments: [], id: 10126508, like: null, resource_id: 5808858, quiz: null,type: "TextResource", data: "text_resource":"id":5809078,"title":null, order: "7", label: "Check", description: "Answer: C ", comments: [], id: 10127010, like: null, resource_id: 5809078, quiz: null,type: "TextResource", data: "text_resource":"id":5801466,"title":null, order: "8", label: "Done!", description: "If you\'ve finished this entire Blendspace, you may move into another standard for review! ", comments: [], id: 10113834, like: null, resource_id: 5801466, quiz: null,]var unauthenticated_view = true;var sign_in_redirect = "";var canvas_mode = "view";var text = "Check out the lesson RL 5.2 Finding the Theme of a Poem on Blendspace";var is_embed = false;var flags_enabled = true;var comments_enabled = true;var gooru_api = "225f2382-9af0-11e2-ba82-123141016e2a";var gooru_host = "";var s3_bucket = "";var addthis_share = url : " _u7btyJV_Q", title : text, description: text, templates: twitter: "title - url via @blendspace", ; window.___gcfg = parsetags: 'explicit' ; [% if( unauthenticated_view ) %] You have to sign in to take this quiz. Sign In [% else %] [% if( LESSON_MODE == LESSON_MODE_EDIT ) %] [% if(taken) %] Reset [% ; %] View Results [% ; %] [% if( !taken && LESSON_MODE != LESSON_MODE_EDIT ) %] Submit [% else %] [% ; %] [% if( LESSON_MODE == LESSON_MODE_EDIT ) %] Submit [% ; %] [% if( grade ) %] [% ; %] [% %] [% if(question) %] [%= question %] [% if( grade ) %] [% if( grade.correct ) %] [% ; %] [% ; %] [% ; %] [% if( answer ) %] [% if( !answered ) %] [% else %] [% if( is_correct && selected ) %] [% else if( is_correct ) %] [% %] [% ; %] [%= answer %] [% ; %] CopyLikePlayPrintShare to TwitterShare other ways (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle []).push();RL 5.2 Finding the Theme of a Poemby H R

The Poem Homework By Jane Yolen


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